Eisenhower's Presidency 1953-1960

  • Created by: Loren
  • Created on: 22-05-13 11:16

Eisenhower's Presidency 1953-1960


  • Appointment of Earl Warren
  • Civil Rights Acts spurred on the civil rights movement
  • The first use of federal intervention at Little Rock - first sign of support for civil rights


  • Republician ideals - Laissez faire
  • Background - shared some white racist fears
  • Refusal of federal intervention during BROWN
  • Never openly supported the civil rights movement
  • Did not condme the Souther Manifesto
  • The cold war - wanted the majority to be united also arguments that the civil rights movement was 'communist-like'
  • Weak tokenism of civil rights Acts 1957 and 1960
  • Lack of consistancy


Overall, Eisenhower made some attempt to help the civil rights movement through the use of federal intervention at Little Rock and civil rights acts 1957 and 1960. However, it is hard to argue that theses would not have happened if he was not forced. Eisenhower's clear reluctancy to use federal intervention prevented the Brown Ruling from actually making any progress in early stages and also the fact that he did not condem the Southern Manifesto showed he was not very usful to blacks during his presidency. On top of that pre-occupation in the cold war made Eisenhower want a national unity and it was a common thought that equal rights sounded a lot like communism - Eisenhower clearly didn't want to show that he was lenient towards communism.


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