Downloading Pros and Cons


Downloading Pros and Cons


  • The files has been stored locally and so you can use it offline
  • There are plenty of legitimate sites where you can get safe downloads - music, apps and films.
  • You can use FTP or a web browser to download.
  • It is possible to download legitimate music files that do not include DRM and so it makes it easier for you to listen to your tracks on different devices.
  • If you have bught an application or game online, quite often you can get digital download. So you can use it straight away rather than waiting for the CD through the post.
  • If you have a slow connection, then you can kept the download going for hours if need be, in order to get the file. This is especially  true for online games which can be huge files.


  • Use virus and maleware scanners to make sure the files are safe to use.
  • Be very wary of "free" and peer-to-peer networks.
  • FTP client can be awkward to use, but it can handle part-downloads.
  • The file may include DRM protection that you were not expecting when you joined the service. Read the fine print.
  • If you computer breaks down or the hard disk fails, then you may lose software you have bought because you do not have a SD to re-install.
  • You do need a reasonable connection speed in order to download in practical length of time - especially films and TV programmes.


Both the disadvantages and the advantages are important but depending on what is being downloaded. for example if an school is downloading past papers for the students to learn from then the internet speed needs to be good so it doesn't take eternity to download. However, if you are downloading a TV program from the internet is it not as important because it isn't such a serious situation.


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