Conflicting sources in the Catilinarian Conspiracy


Massacre Senators

Sulla and Autronius Consuls

  • Cicero, Pro Murena, 81: Catiline and Piso plot to massacre senators
  • Sallust, Bellum Catilinae, 18: Autronius, Catiline and Piso plot to massacre senators
  • Cicero, Pro Sulla, 10: Autronius, Sulla and Catiline plot to make Autronius and Sulla cos
  • Livy, Periochae, 1.01.3: conspiracy between Sulla and Autronius
  • Suetonius, Julius Caesar, 9.1: Crassus would then make Autronius and Sulla cos
  • Cassius Dio, 33.44.3: Autronius, Sulla, Catiline and Piso plot to make Autronius and Sulla cos

Catiline and Autronius Consuls

Make Crassus Dictator

  • Cicero, Pro Sulla, 51: Autronius and Catiline plotted to make themselves consuls
  • Sallust, Bellum Catilinae, 18: Autronius and Catiline plot to make themselves cos
  • Suetonius, Julius Caesar, 9.1: Autronius was conspiring with Crassus and Caesar to kill replacement cos and make Crassus dictator


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