Classical conditioning & Operant conditioning evaluation

  • Created by: xKiikee
  • Created on: 03-03-18 14:40

Classical conditioning & operant conditioning theory eval


  • Supported by Pavlovs/Skinners research
  • Has real life applications including treatments of phobia (SD, flooding)


  • Animal findings make it difficult to generalise to humans
  • reductionist = ignores the interactions between factors and behaviours (e.g, the role of emotion, cognition, past experience ect)
  • deterministic = suggests humans function like a machine and that behaviour is beyond conscious control.


As classical behaviourism is reductionist, it cannot explain complex human behaviour. It ignores important factors in human behaviours like emotions and cognitions, unlike more recent theories such as Social Learning theory which emphasises the importance of memory, attention and motivation. However, the theories are important in kickstarting further research into behaviourism and has helped develop psychology's reputation as a strict science by conducting credible scientific research. 


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