‘Christians should seek to convert others to Christianity at every opportunity.’


‘Christians should seek to convert others to Christianity at every opportunity.’


  • EXCLUSIVISTS: only Christianity holds the truth and can offer salvation. “I am the the way, the truth, and the life.” John (14:16)
  • Karl Barth: Gods revelation was unique and only a belief in Christ will bring you salvation.
  • Augustine and Calvin: limited election - salvation cannot be forced
  • “Christ is the one mediator.”
  • Kraemer: People must convert in order to be saved.
  • SUPPORTED BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND CHURCH OF ENGLAND: 1990 - CC - Redemptoris Missio: enclyical from Pope John Paul II. Even in a multi faith society catholic’s must never shy away from the truth of the gospel. Inter faith dialogue should work alongside missionary work.
  • 2010 - C of E - ‘Sharing the Gospel of salvation’: salvation only comes from Jesus. Missionary work isn’t a marketing technique but a chance to spread the gospel and bring people to God. “go and make disciples of all nations...” Matthew (28:19)


  • PLURALISTS: All religions lead to salvation- they share the same ultimate goal but have different views on how we get there.
  • Blind men Andy the elephant
  • Hick: all religions have values which support  moral, godly lives. The differences between faiths are superficiAl so should be interpreted as mythical stories rather than true facts, for example: the resurrection of the virgin birth.
  • Panikkar: no 1 universal definition of the ‘truth’ so we should be open to all faiths.
  • NOT AT INTERFAITH DIALOGUE EVENTS OR THE SCRIPTURAL REASON: a religious meeting where conversion isn’t appropriate. Instead they debate and understand different scriptures on education, clothing, food laws... they discuss wording, interpretation and how they feel they fit in contemporary society.
  • SRM’s aims is not to disprove faiths but to develop a deeper understanding.



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