Character Analysis Rosa Delle Rose

  • Created by: Isabella
  • Created on: 10-05-14 10:45



  • Smart- is allowed to graduate high school without attending the exams because of her grades
  • Innocence- has never had a relationship before and believes that if she marries Jack, everything will be okay.
  • Passionate- is very defensive of Jack and will do anything to be with him
  • Doesn't want to be like Serafina and stay mourning- frustrated with her overprotectiveness
  • To be innocent but passionate, contrasting with Serafina
  • Almost a foil to Serafina- does not want to stay insides and grieve like her mother- she wants to go outside and live
  • Serafina- tense and frustrated because of her overprotectiveness
  • Jack- she loves him deeply, despite her tendency to be clingy and passionate when they are together. She is desperate, almost to be with him.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Starts off as a young, inquisitive girl and wants attention from her mother, who is distracted by her passion for her husband.
  • Develops into a young, smart women. Can be headstrong- know what she wants, Jack, and desperately tries to escape her mother to meet him. She develops some of her mother's passion in her relationship with Jack.
  • Although innocent with Jack, their relationship progresses to the point where, at the end, she runs off to sleep with him.
  • During the time skip, Serafina becomes a recluse and encourages Rosa to become one as well, though she rejects this.
  • Their differences lie in where they have been brought up. Serafina in Sicily, whilst Rosa was brought up in the US, and has been influenced by the American way of living.


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