Britain's Policy of Appeasement


Britain's Policy of Appeasement


  • Germany felt it was being listened to.
  • It could avoid war by use of negotiation rather than action.
  • It would avoid a repeat of the horrors of WW1.
  • Britain's economy was still in recovery from the Depression.
  • Appeasement seemed a better option than relying on the League of Nations.


  • It made Britain look weak which made Hitler more confident to ask for more.
  • Britain was prepared to betray other countries to keep Hitler happy.
  • It seemed to undermine Britain's key role in the League of Nations.
  • Each act of appeasement allowed Hitler to become stronger.


Personally, I believe that Britain's policy of appeasement should be argued against as Hitler gained more power as each act of appeasement was passed. As we know, Hitler was a powerful man already and didn't need the policy of appeasement to put him at an even bigger advantage. Maybe if Britain's policy of appeasement didn't go ahead then we may of not had a second world war. 


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