Blood Wedding



Language and Structure

  • Níjar murder - play based on,In the farming village of Níjar, a young man had been murdered after attempting to run away with a bride on the eve of her wedding. Murderer had been the groom's cousin.
  • Spanish women lacked many civil rights such as divorce, the vote or an abortion. Adultery was a crime and women were not guaranteed the right to hold a job. influence the Bride's view that marriage binding and repressive life choice-the only one available women, not able to support themselves.
  • Written 1930s, as Spain was undergoing many social changes (abortion and adultery legal, women received civil rights similar to Europe and America, but change was often much slower in rural areas, like where this murder took place e.g divorce legal but condoned
  • It was only in 1975 that women were re-granted the rights outlined in the 1931 constitution.
  • His works challenged the accepted role of women in society and explored taboo issues of homo eroticism and class distinctions (he was a passionate social activist). Blood Wedding links to his own homosexuality, in that he was sympathetic to women and their suppression of their sexual freedom
  • No names give-given their societal role, not individuals in society as no self determination, Leonardo rebels, given a name, widens out people to society in Spain at the time- Contextual link
  • Forest setting- represent in literature a place where society rules change, don't apply, wild and free, lovers cant be together in community, escape to forest as protection, true home
  • Isolation of the Bride's farmhouse from the rest of the town.Similarly, the Neighbour mentions that Mother only rarely leaves her own house to visit friends or do errands.The physical isolation of the play's female characters reflects their emotional alienation--in Mother's case, due to the murders of her husband and son, and in the Bride's case, due to the pressure to marry.

The Struggle for identity


  • Individual versus society - Leonardo and the Bride find their respective social positions intolerable and rebel against their expected roles
  • Female oppression- the Mothers encourage the girls to marry behind 'thick walls'- preserve virtue and fragility. Bride feels constrained, sealed away form society, marrying for wealth unpleasant to her, struggle to find a middle way is fruitless- representative of rural women.
  • a ‘man with a horse knows plenty and can do plenty to run rings around a girl stuck in the middle of a desert’, girl has pride so therefore, she is ‘getting married’- no freedom or power choose where to wants to live, trapped, man has horse, domination, danger to not to as expected-foreshadowing, Contextual link, ignorance and geographical isolation
  • ''I wish I were a man."- to protect her self better, not rights, gain freedom that comes with physical safety, ironic compared to mothers wish that Bridegroom a girl to stay at home for safety


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