Key Events

  • Created by: Isabelle
  • Created on: 19-04-14 14:35
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  • Key Events
    • Tennyson
      • The Lady of Shalott
        • Lancelot's arrival
          • Acts as catalyst
          • 'The sun came dazzling thro' the leaves / And flamed upon the brazen greaves / Of bold Sir Lancelot'
            • Images of light, he is meant to bring her warmth - positive etc
              • Pathetic fallacy
            • Powerful first introduction
        • Her decision to leave the tower
          • She left the web, she left the loom, / She made three paces thro' the room, / She saw the water lily bloom'
            • Structure + form, repetition, fast paced, punctuation
              • Repeated refrains suggest her actions are disjointed/ anxious
          • Causes her death - dramatic
      • Godiva
        • When she decides to ride through town
          • 'Unclasp'd the wedded eagles of her belt /The grim Earl's gift'
            • Breaking free from constraints, control over her sexuality - restrictive
          • 'She rode forth, clothed on with chastity / The deep air listen'd round her as she rode,/ And all the low wind hardly breathed for fear'
            • Emphasis that her actions are right + honorable
            • Even intangible elements fear/respect her - pathetic fallacy
              • Key moments as this is when she does something heroic + awe inspiring
    • Frost
      • "Out, Out-"
        • The moment when the boy's hand is cut off
          • 'Neither refused the meeting.' 'Holding up the hand / half in appeal, but half as if to keep/ the life from spilling'
            • Almost inevitable, nothing saw or boy could have done to change the outcome
            • No one could help him, he was already dying
            • Key event as used by F to demonstrate brevity of life, tragic story
              • Waste of life
      • A Considerable Speck
        • When the speaker hesitates before killing the mite
          • 'To stop it with a period of ink/ When something strange made me think.../ unmistakably a living mite'
            • The pause taken is immensely significant because the speaker is thinking about life in all forms
              • This is the moment that causes him to question himself
              • Anthropomorphism
          • Also tries to persuade the reader - persuasive language
    • Enduring Love
      • The balloon accident
        • 'A mighty fist socked the balloon in two rapid blows, one-two, the second more vicious than the first'
          • Presents the idea that the balloon accident could not be explained - an act of nature - key event in establishing blame
        • 'I didn't know, nor have I ever discovered who let go first. I'm not prepared to accept that it was me'
          • Key event that hints to the reader why Joe is writing this book - guilt
            • Sets up events in the rest of the book
      • The restaurant shooting
        • Arguably second most climactic event in novel
          • 'The high-velocity impact forced a fine spray, a blood mist, across our table-cloth, our desserts, our hands, our sight.'
            • Described with the same scientific, but gruesome language as the accident
        • 'Or were these details I observed later, in the chaos, or in the time after the chaos?'
          • Again uses foreshadowing to hint at future events
    • The Great Gatsby
      • Myrtle's death
        • Catalyst for future events
          • 'before he could move from his door the business was over'
            • Her fate, and possibly Gatsby's was already sealed, clinical
          • 'mingled her thick dark blood with the dust'
            • Grotesque imagery
      • When Nick meets Gatsby
        • Sets up the idea he = unreliable narrator
          • Idolises Gatsby, although at first didn't really notice him
          • 'He smiled understandingly - much more than understandingly... concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favour'
            • Attributed him with exquisite, unbelievable qualities


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