Blood brothers quotes and analysis

  • Created by: A.keenan
  • Created on: 26-04-18 14:57


Point, how Russell shows this and analysis:

"You never put new shoes on the table." - Mrs Johnstone

"They ... they say that if either twin learns that he once was a pair, they shall both immediately die." - Mrs Lyons

"Y' know the devil's got your number / Y' know he's gonna find y'"

"Do we blame superstition for what came to pass? Or could it be what we, the English, have come to know as class?"

"He's have all is own toys and a garden to play in." - Mrs Lyons to Mrs Johnstone.

EDWARD"Fantastic. When I get home I’ll look it up in the dictionary."MICKEY"In the what?"EDWARD"The dictionary. Don’t you know what a dictionary is?"MICKEY"‘Course I do … It’s a, it’s a thingy, innit?"

EDWARD"Why... why is a job so important? If I couldn’t get a job I’d just say, sod it and draw the dole, live like a bohemian, tilt my hat to the world and say ‘screw you’. So you’re not working. Why is it so important?"MICKEY[Looking at him]: "You don’t understand anythin’, do ye? I don’t wear a hat that I could tilt at the world."

"I could have been him!" - Mickey

"But you know that if you cross your fingers . And if you count from one to ten / You can get up off the ground again / It doesn't matter / The whole things just a game." - Sammy and his friends

"Look at y' Mickey. What have y' got? Nothin', Like me mam" - Sammy

"Wherever I go you'll be just behind me. I know that now ... always and for ever and ever like, like a shadow." - Mrs Lyons

[Mickey waves at Edward with his gun hand. The gun explodes and blows Edward apart. Mickey turns to the police screaming the word "No". They open fire and four guns explode, blowing Mickey away.] - Stage directions.


Maisie Anne


Really helpful!