Lady macbeth analysis and quaots

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  • Lady Macbeth analysis and quotes
    • Analysis
      • ambitious, cunning, manipulative, cruelty.
        • manipulative- she shuns Macbeth for his failure to live up to the standard which she, as a woman, has set.
        • cunning-When Macbeth expresses doubts, she uses every trick she can think of to make sure he carries out their plan to murder Duncan – she is the one who comes up with the cunning plot to drug Duncan’s servants and frame them for the muder
        • ambitious-She appears to be mentally strong and her conscience did not seem troubled by the murders that she was a part of. Her determined ambition is what keeps Macbeth focused on committing the murders. She is perhaps even more determined than her husband
        • cruelty- She rarely shows any sympathy towards any characters throughout the time of the play
    • quotes
      • ‘Out, damned spot! out, I say!’
        • Analysis: Trying to wash her hands of the blood of Duncan. Ironic as she now feels the guilt more strongly than Macbeth
        • (‘Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.’)
          • Analysis: Tells Macbeth to appear kind, but to be as evil a serpent; connotations of evil (biblical reference).
      • ('Oh these flaws'), ('Imposers to true fear'), ('When you durst do it, then you were a man')
        • Analysis: Female overpowering male, subversion of gender roles, power over Macbeth, questioning masculinity caused pressure for Macbeth and lead him to murder. Questions and insults manhood to rile Macbeth. Insulting
  • ‘The raven himself in hoarse / That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan’
    • Analysis: Planning the (Gothic) death of Duncan
    • quotes
      • ‘Out, damned spot! out, I say!’
        • Analysis: Trying to wash her hands of the blood of Duncan. Ironic as she now feels the guilt more strongly than Macbeth
        • (‘Look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent under it.’)
          • Analysis: Tells Macbeth to appear kind, but to be as evil a serpent; connotations of evil (biblical reference).
      • ('Oh these flaws'), ('Imposers to true fear'), ('When you durst do it, then you were a man')
        • Analysis: Female overpowering male, subversion of gender roles, power over Macbeth, questioning masculinity caused pressure for Macbeth and lead him to murder. Questions and insults manhood to rile Macbeth. Insulting


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