Biological Approach AO3


Biological Approach


  • Scientific approach - uses highly standardised, scientific methods such as lab experiments and a range of sophisticated techniques such as fMRI, The advances in technology make it possible to accurately measure neutral and biological processes in a way not open to bias.
  • Useful applications- If a biological cause is found drug therapy can be used. Increased understanding of biochemical processes in the brain led to the development of psychoactive drugs although not always effective revolutionised treatment for many
  • Provides objective data which can easily be analysed and compared.
  • Removes self blame -  for mental illnesses because physiology/genetics caused it rather than negative cognitive thinking etc.


  • Deterministic - Assumes behaviour is determined and dictated by our physiology, suggests we have no free will and responsibility for our own behaviours and state
  • Reductionist - Explains thoughts and behaviour in terms of the actions of nerves and chemicals and fails to fully appreciate how other factors largely influence people e.g enviornmental factors
  • Nomothetic approach - tries to make general laws/ statements/ predications about behaviour suggests humans share similar physiology and ignores individual differences
  • Cannot seperate nature with nurture -  Biological approach states our behaviour and experiences is shaped by our biology and neurochemistry however we cannot separate the two as the environment has been proved to have an influence otherwise concordance rate would be 100% - Gottsman (1991) SZ mz-48% dz-17%



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