Benzodiazepines and GABAs


Benzodiazepines and GABAs


  • GABAs tell neurons that it contact to slow down or stop firing
  • BZs bind to special sites on the GABA receptor  on the outside of receiving neurons
  • The channel allows negatively charged ions to pass on the inside of the neuron
  • Act by reducing central brain arousal and enhance the actions of the GABA
  • The GABA+BZs exert an extra influence on neurons


  • 40% of neurons in brain respond and therefore, it has a general quetening influecnce
  • Boost actions of GABA and opens a channel
  • Makes it even more resistant to excitation by reducing central brain arousal and enhance the actions of the GABA
  • As a result of the extra influence, the brains's output of exitatory neurotransmitters is reduced and the person feels calmer
  • These chloride ions make neurons less responsive to other neurotransmitters that would normally excite it

Overall summary

Benzodiazepines are anti-anxiety drugs that act on the Central Nervous System and are the most widely produced drug for clinical disorders. They work by increasing a natural brain chemical (neurotransmitter) called GABA, which has the effect of slowing activity in neurons and therefore overall brain activity. 


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