Advantages and Disadvantages of Flat-Pack Furniture

  • Created by: teazebra
  • Created on: 30-05-14 17:16

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flat-Pack Furniture


  • They're much cheaper than ready-to-use furniture. Their price is so low it compensates for the lower durability.
  • They're easy to dismantle and transport. This means companies can reduce the amount of trucks/lorries they use to transport goods and customers can take them apart when they need to, e.g. if they are moving house.
  • They're highly customizable. You can easily paint them a different colour or drill a hole or two into them to make them serve a completely different purpose.
  • They are easier to carry into your house as they are in boxes and flat packed instead of being an awkward, fixed shape.
  • Manufacturers can carry more products in a single truck, which reduces the cost, journeys, amount of trucks used and fuel consumption.
  • The retailer can store the products on flat shelves, maximizing the storage space.
  • The products can be produced using a CNC milling machine. This means they are not made by craftsmen which reduces the labour costs as the company doesn't have to pay for skilled labour.


  • The products have limited designs as they are meant to be put together by the buyer, therefor the design is simplified as much as possible.
  • They're much more fragile than solid furniture, as they are usually made out of MDF. Dismantling the products a few times will make their durability drop significantly, and even if they are never taken apart, they still won't last as long as ready-to-use furniture.


Flat-pack furniture is overall less expensive and more convenient in the short-term, however it doesn't last as long as ready-to-use furniture and can become damaged easily. Nevertheless, the manufacturing process of flat-pack furniture is cheaper and better for the environment and allows companies to sell the products at reduced prices.  




Excuse but is it true, that more often than not, some flat pack parts are missing? According to that happens a lot? I'm planning a huge furnishing renovation and I'm struggling to figure out if it's worth investing in solid wood or if it's worth saving for flat packs. I've read a few reviews that address some parts like table legs and wardrobe bases being hollow, which is anything but sturdy, but those can be enforced and many have done it.. Would be happy to hear from you

Alex Westall


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Flat pack furniture is one of the most useful ideas to consider if you’re planning on your residential relocation. As suggested by the name, this furniture needs to be assembled before usage and therefore offers the major benefit of easy handling. It’s way more budget-friendly than pre-assembled furniture and comes within highly compact profiles. Also, it’s completely eco-friendly and much more convenient to dismantle, too. Flatpack workstations, easy assembly hat racks, F Clamp tables and most importantly Wall Curtains are the major examples in this regard.

As for the downside of flat-pack furniture, it often becomes difficult to assemble it the right way. Also, this furniture turns out to be more fragile than pre-assembled furniture and is likely to get damaged or at worst broken, easily. This makes it rather unfavorable to invest in. 



Flat-pack furniture is very popular in today's market. Many people choose to purchase furniture from retailers such as Ikea, which offers a large selection of flat-pack pieces. The advantage of this type of furniture is that it is easier to move and less likely to get damaged. The disadvantage of flat-pack furniture is that it is more expensive and less customizable. You can increase the value of your furniture with Rugs easily. These rugs are the most important part of any room to decorate the home and office.



Flat pack furniture is most commonly made from particleboard (often called chipboard) or medium density fiberboard.

Chipboard is made from wood chips, wood shavings, sawdust and other particles bound together in a solid board. MDF is made using the residuals of soft and hard woods which are mixed with wax to form a board stronger than chipboard.

While chipboard tends to be cheaper, it is more susceptible to water damage. It can, however, be more stable than solid wood which may crack due to environmental conditions or age.

MDF can vary in price but high-quality MDF will be much stronger than chipboard. It will also be easier to shape and work with than solid wood.

High end ready to assemble (RTA) or flat packs will sometimes use solid wood. This is able to better survive dismantling and relocation if moving home. A good quality RTA will have more sturdy connections that can allow you to dismantle it without breaking.

Without a doubt, the biggest advantage of buying flat pack furniture,F Clamp tables and most importantly Blackout Curtains are the major examples in this the affordability of the initial unit. They can also be more space and storage efficient, and easier to dismantle if moving. Quality kits can also be hard to tell from preassembled and more expensive furniture.

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