Advantages & Disadvantages of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell


Advantages & Disadvantages of the Hydrogen Fuel Cell


  • Convenient storage & release of energy
  • Higher energy efficiency than standard fuel systems, i.e. a fuel cell can be up to 36-45% efficient whereas diesel is only 22% efficient
  • Less damaging emissions than CO₂ emissions of traditional systems


  • The hydrogen must be derived from other sources, e.g. fossil fuels, which have their own CO₂ emissions. Obtaining the hydrogen is also not 100% efficient.
  • Gases required are difficult to store vs. liquid fuels
  • Fuel cells operate at relatively low temperatures (~80ᵒc), therefore they need very efficient catalysts which are usually expensive metals


Water is the only emission of the hydrogen fuel cell in action, therefore it is hoped to be the fuel source for "zero emission" cars. It can even provide energy for spacecraft, since it is compact with no moving parts. The astronauts can also drink the water!


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