Language features used when writing to instruct

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  • Writing to instruct
    • Imperatives- put the end in the bowl
    • Prepositions- fold the egg under the flour
    • Denotative lexis- facts
    • Jargon- specialist words
    • Filed specific lexis- whisk, beat, fold
    • Concrete nouns, e.g bowl
    • Modal verbs- should, could, can
    • Conditional clauses- if, when
    • Adverbial phrases- In 2 minutes times
    • Discourse markers- next, finally, after
    • Bullet points- well structered
    • Simple sentences
    • May use second person- you do this- addressing to the reader directly
    • parenthesis- add extra information between brackets and dashes
    • Anaphoric reference- put it in the bowl


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