English Language new spec- Paper 1


Context for new specification- 

Also, with this specification you would be given two texts which are Text A and Text B, this could be written or spoken. 

All the questions in paper 1 would be the same, here they are:

  • Q1- Analyse how Text A uses language to create meanings and representations. 25 Marks
  • Q2-Analyse how Text B uses language to create meanings and representations. 25 Marks
  • Q3- Compare and contrast Text A and Text B, showing ways in which they are similar and different in their language use. 20 Marks

Question 1 + Question 2 is to analyze Text A or B. However your answers for question 3 will be repetitive but you would need to say why the both texts are different or similar.

What are you been marked on?

  • AO1-
  • AO3-
  • AO4-

How to write it?

Paragraph 1- Identify the contextual features of a text. You can write these in any order

  • Subject/topic- 
  • Mode- The medium of communication. a text can be written, spoken or multimodal. 
  • Genre- This the type of text, there are language choices that are expected of the genre e.g a recipe, play, letter, electricity bill, transcript and etc.
  • Audience-The audience of the text refers to the receiver
  • Purpose- The purpose of a text which is produced the reasons are to inform, to instruct, to persuade and to entertain
  • Context- explore the issues which have an effect on the language
  • Multimodal- This text employs more than one mode, for example, a print text contains words and images; a web page contains videos and sounds 
  • Mixed-mode- A printed text which contains features that are expected in conversation, for example, blogs, text message, biographies, emails and etc.
  • Actual receiver- Someone who actually engages with the text
  • Implied receiver- is the text producer had in mind when producing




really helped, thank you



SO helpful thank you, best recourse I've found :) 



This is really helpful thank you!