Why did peace break down in 1459?

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  • Why did peace break down in 1459?
    • the Battle of St Albans brough about a blood feud as the heirs of those killed sought revenge
    • Margaret saw the removal of Yorkist appointments and replaced with her own men, signalling York was back outside government
      • Margaret strongly believed that York wanted the throne which was a danger to her sons inheritance
      • Move to Coventry was a clear indication of conflicting division
    • Warwick rebellion in October 1458 in refusing to answer charges of piracy persuaded key figures in the middle ground (eg Bukingham) to the side of the Queen
    • The Queen felt she had enough noble support to defeat the Yorkists
      • Both sides built allieas between nobles families --> factions were growing --> armies
    • continued local disorder in the SW between the Courtenay's and the Bonvilles
    • Henry was still too ill
      • whoever had control of the king had control of the country


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