Weimar Government 1919-1923

History B - Edexcel

Mindmap on Weimar Republic and it's problems.

Enjoy your revision :)

  • Created by: Joanna S
  • Created on: 20-01-13 03:47
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  • Weimar Republic
    • Treaty of Verseallies
      • Military Restircions
      • Reperations
      • War Guilt
      • Land Restrictions and Loss
        • Invasion of the Ruhr
          • Workers Protest
            • Hyperinflation
              • Government printed too much money - it became worthless
          • Hyperinflation
            • Government printed too much money - it became worthless
          • 1923
      • Freikorps
        • "Stab in the back"
          • Treaty of Verseallies
            • Military Restircions
            • Reperations
            • War Guilt
            • Land Restrictions and Loss
              • Invasion of the Ruhr
                • Workers Protest
                  • 1923
              • Freikorps
                • "Stab in the back"
                • "November Criminals"
                • 1919
          • "November Criminals"
          • 1919
        • Unemployment
          • Risen due to no more weapon production
        • Kapp Putsch
          • Freikorps marched to Berlin
            • They felt betrayed by the government as they were fired due to army restrictions in ToV.
              • Army refused to help as they were friends with these ex-soldiers.
              • Workers went on strike forcing the putsch to fail.
            • Led by dr. Kapp
              • Freikorps marched to Berlin
                • They felt betrayed by the government as they were fired due to army restrictions in ToV.
                  • Army refused to help as they were friends with these ex-soldiers.
                  • Workers went on strike forcing the putsch to fail.
            • Spartacist Revolt
              • 1919
              • Took over the newspaper headquarters, but didn't have enough support from Berlin
              • Freikorps captured them and killed these Communists along with their leader.
              • Arrested and Executed
            • Munich Putsch
              • 1923
              • "Beer Hall Putsch"
              • Hitler puts a gun to Bavarian head of gov and claims to take over Bavaria, then Germany
                • SA take over Gov buildings.
                  • Head of Gov escapes and warns the police.
                    • Hitler captured, wounded and sent to jail for 5 years.
              • Ludendorff supported him, never sent to jail.


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