Waves 1

  • Created by: Hollie
  • Created on: 28-05-14 12:12
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  • Waves 1
    • Longitudinal waves
      • Oscillations are parallel to the direction of the wave
      • Example: Sound waves - vibrations ore passed through the air causing particles to be displaced from their equilibrium positions forming compressions and rarefractions.
    • Transverse waves
      • Oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of the wave
      • Example: Light
    • Characteristics
      • Amplitude - the maximum displacement of a particle in a wave
      • Wavelength - the distance between two identical points on successive waves
      • Frequency - the number of complete waves passing a point in one second
      • Period - time taken for one complete oscillation (1/f)
    • Superposition
      • In phase - two waves with a phase difference of a whole number of wavelengths travelling in the same direction
        • Constructive interference - when two waves are in phase forming a wave of a larger amplitude
          • Maxima - forms an antinode where constructive interference takes place.
      • Antiphase - two waves with a phase difference of an odd number of half wavelengths travelling in opposite directions.
      • Path difference - the difference in the distance traveled by two waves
      • When two or more waves arrive at the same place at the same time, superposition occurs and waves interfere with a resultant displacement being the sum of the individual displacements.
      • Standing waves - formed by the superposition of a continuous wave reflected from a boundary forming an intereference pattern of maxima and minima.
        • Maxima - forms an antinode where constructive interference takes place.
        • Minima - forms nodes where destructive interference takes place. The distance between two adjacent minimas is half the wavelength.
          • Destructive interference - when two waves are antiphase and the waves cancel out
            • Antiphase - two waves with a phase difference of an odd number of half wavelengths travelling in opposite directions.







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