Standing waves

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  • Standing waves
    • What is a standing wave?
      • It is a wave which has oscillations in a fixed space, with regions of significant oscillations and regions with zero oscillation, which remain in the same locations at all times.
    • How are standing waves formed?
      • Standing waves are formed when two waves are travelling in opposite directions and they superpose. And when they superpose, they set up a standing waves.
        • Standing waves consist of nodes and antinodes.
          • Antinodes: Regions on a standing wave where the amplitude of oscillation is at its max.
          • Nodes: Regions on a standing wave where the amplitude of oscillation is zero.
        • These waves need to be of the same speed and frequency, with similar amplitudes and have a constant phase relationship.
    • What is meant by coherent waves?
      • Coherent waves are waves with the same frequency and a constant phase relationship.


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