Water management in the UK

  • Created by: bethstory
  • Created on: 09-04-17 11:14
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  • Water Management in the UK
    • What we use water for
      • Washing up
      • Baths/showers
      • Toliet
      • Industary
    • What is Water stress?
      • Occurs when the amount of water available does not meet the required amount
    • What is area of deficit?
      • Locations where rain that falls does not provide enough water on a permant basis. Shortages of water may occur under certain conditions
    • What are areas of surplus?
      • Areas that have more water than it needs, areas that have high water fall but low population
    • Will the demand for water increase over  time?
      • Yes
        • Increase in population
        • Increase in number of households
        • Buying more foods out of season
    • How can demand for water be met in a more sustainable way?
      • Increase awareness
      • More efficient  house designs/toilet designs
      • Water butts
      • Recycling the water in the house
      • More showers than baths


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