Water Mindmap

  • Created by: leah_184
  • Created on: 12-09-17 11:19
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  • Water
    • High specific heat capacity
      • This is where water can absorb or release a large quantity of heat energy with little change in temperature
        • There is a lot of energy needed for a change in temperature so the body can easily regulate its temperature.
    • Functions
      • Cell life
      • Chemical and metabolic
      • Transport of nutrients and removal of waste
      • Body temperature regualtion
        • High specific heat capacity
          • This is where water can absorb or release a large quantity of heat energy with little change in temperature
            • There is a lot of energy needed for a change in temperature so the body can easily regulate its temperature.
    • Polar
      • This is where the two hydrogen atoms are slightly positive and the oxygen atoms are slightly negative.
        • Polarity makes a good solvent because the slight positive charges mean that ions can dissolve into the water as they are either positive or negatively charged.
    • High latent heat of evaporation
      • The heat applied to effect a change of state at the boiling point.
        • This is important for cooling down the body in the form of sweating.
    • Chemical Formula
      • H2O
      • This is where the two hydrogen atoms are slightly positive and the oxygen atoms are slightly negative.
        • Polarity makes a good solvent because the slight positive charges mean that ions can dissolve into the water as they are either positive or negatively charged.
    • Cohesive
      • This means that water molecules are attracted to each other because of the attraction between the hydrogen's from the hydrogen bonds.
        • This cohesive nature means that the hydrogen bonds allows for the development of surface tension, the capacity of the substance to withstand being ruptured when placed under tension or stress


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