using computer systems

using computer systems

  • Created by: Rianne B
  • Created on: 16-03-13 16:37
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  • Using computer systems
    • Starting the computer - It is essential for each user of a laptop to have a username and password. You turn on the laptop and then tell it which user you are. Then type in the password. You can only use the computer as a stand-alone computer, as you need to supply more details to log-on to a network.
    • Log-on and Log-off - You have to supply 2 things to do this - username and password. this identifies you to the network, meaning that they network will allocate storage spaceand will allow you to use certain files. The password ensures that you are the right person.
    • Using the shut down menu - Always shut down your computer properly otherwise - you can lose data and programs can be corrupted.


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