Public health in towns

  • Created by: w09opye
  • Created on: 01-12-17 20:03
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  • Towns
    • water
      • towns built by water
        • means of transport
        • used to removes sewage and other waser
    • waste
      • most towns are some private houses had privies
        • under privie there was cesspit
          • Cesspit would be cleaned annually be gong farmers
            • valuable source of manure
            • if not emptied often enough then it would overflow
    • streets
      • generally dirty
      • open drains down stret
        • overflows when rains
      • excrement on streets
    • councils
      • improvements would be expensive
        • didn't want to unpopularly increase tax
      • tried to stop river pollution
      • some councils tried but failed
        • clean streets outside the house
        • remove the rubbish


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