The Thaw 1953-62

  • Created by: Aimee
  • Created on: 21-05-13 15:40
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  • The Thaw 1953-62
    • Causes
      • Death of Stalin
        • Opportunity for change of approach
        • Need to gain Prestige
        • Untitled
        • had arguably lost power by '53 anyway?
        • New leadership
          • Power struggle
            • Beria- proposal for reunified neutral Germany uprisingsJune 1953  =undermined
            • Malenkov- 'New Course' =softer approach towards west - redirect resources away from military
              • Krushchev- 1957 leader. 1956= destalinisation 'Peaceful Coexistance'
            • Krushchev- 1957 leader. 1956= destalinisation 'Peaceful Coexistance'
            • 1954-K dominance over molotov
      • New leadership
        • Power struggle
          • Beria- proposal for reunified neutral Germany uprisingsJune 1953  =undermined
          • Malenkov- 'New Course' =softer approach towards west - redirect resources away from military
            • 1954-K dominance over molotov
        • Consolidation of positions
          • 1945- both trying to establish spheres of I, by 1955- both sides sides established
          • Security  under NATO + Warsaw Pact
          • Had to accept division- poss negotiation
        • Military + economy
          • 1949- both have a-bomb '55-H-bomb 54-both tested lithium bomb
          • 1/3 of USSR income used on arms race= destabilising
          • 12% USA GNP on defence
          • Commitments e.g Korea, NATO, SEATO
          • money needed redirecting towards social measures
      • Achievements
        • End to Korean War 1953- armistice signed
        • Geneva  Conference 1954- french withdraw forces from Indochina - not backed by Dulles
        • Geneva  Summit 1955
          • 1st  US + sov leaders meeting since Potsdam
          • Krush= reunified neutral Germany but W=NATO
          • K= NATO + Warsaw dismantled, replaced by new system- West didn't agree
          • US= arms limitations + 'Open Skies'- rejected
          • only agreement= cultural exchanges +scientists
        • Austrian State Treaty 1955
          • both withdraw troops- save money
          • both allowed neutral Austria
        • K's visit to USA 1959- some tensions - "we will bury you"
      • Failures
        • Paris Summit 1960
          • Eisenhower + Krushchev
          • collapsed- U2 Spy plane shot down
        • Vienna Summit: K +Kennedy- nothing achieved
        • Hungarian Uprising 1956
          • recognised spheres of Influence so removed intervention which could provoke war
            • Achievements
              • End to Korean War 1953- armistice signed
              • Geneva  Conference 1954- french withdraw forces from Indochina - not backed by Dulles
              • Geneva  Summit 1955
                • 1st  US + sov leaders meeting since Potsdam
                • Krush= reunified neutral Germany but W=NATO
                • K= NATO + Warsaw dismantled, replaced by new system- West didn't agree
                • US= arms limitations + 'Open Skies'- rejected
                • only agreement= cultural exchanges +scientists
              • Austrian State Treaty 1955
                • both withdraw troops- save money
                • both allowed neutral Austria
              • K's visit to USA 1959- some tensions - "we will bury you"
          • limits to destalinisation,
          • Still acting in the same manner
          • K= willing to accept some reforms, not leaving warsaw pact
            • Still insecuritites about security
          • Janos Kadar= some reform, not Warsaw
          • Still insecuritites about security
        • Arms Race+ Space Race
          • Continued- H-bomb
          • failure of open skies
          • 57= Sputnik 61=1st man in space
          • = both failed to reduce mil. expenditure in a meaningful way
            • Flexible Response= cuts reversed
            • USSR= investing in space programme
      • Impact of Kennedy
        • 1961- Flexible response= wider choices
          • expansion of conventional forces soldiers- 2.5m(60)- 2.7m(64)
        • economic aid- removing poverty ($20bn-Latin America)
        • more covert methods- Bay of Pigs (1961)


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