The future of food

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  • The future of food
    • Climate change
      • India - Every 1 degree increase in temp, 5-10% decrease in yields
      • UK - Extreme events impact food production
        • Temperate climates
          • Consequences of climate change unlikely to be as extreme, but effects on agriculture already clear
            • Leckford Estate
              • Waitrose farm
              • 2007-08 - volatility
              • Weather becoming more unpredictable for farmers
      • By 2020, several African countries will suffer up to 50% reduction in yields
        • Kenya
          • Droughts have become 4 times more common in the last 25 years
          • 3rd failed harvest in a row
          • Masai - Rift Valley, cattle are dying
      • Half the world's population could endure a climate induced crisis by the end of the century
      • Australia, Argentina and the USA are drought prone areas that export large quantities of food across the globe
    • Natural resources
      • Oil
        • Used in food production for transportation, fuel, fertilisers, pesticides, processing & packaging
        • Cuba
          • Cheap oil from Eastern Bloc, fuel thirsty agriculture, collapse of USSR = oil reduced
          • Now, self sufficient agriculture
            • Every bit of land used to maximise production
      • Biofuels
        • Chattisgarh, India
          • Jatropha - used in biofuels, if animals eat = death
          • Local farmers' crops uprooted by government and now rely on food handouts
        • Norfolk
          • Largest sugar refinery in Europe
          • Must make sure biofuels for the rich are at no expense of the poor
      • Water
        • Punjab, India
          • Intensive agriculture drained the state dry
          • Drilling deeper to irrigate land = poorer water quality which is less effective for irrigation
        • Grimsby
          • Processing centre for other countries' fish
          • 80% of the UK's fish species are under threat
    • Last 2 years - dramatic spikes in food prices. Riots on 3 continents - future wars will be over food and water instead of oil and territory.
    • Rising population - doubled over last 40 years - almost 7 billion
    • Local markets replaced by global, food has become a commodity
    • 2000 - number of hungry people in the world stopped declining and began increasing
    • Food security issue affects all - not just developing countries.
      • Carry on farming with today's techniques & yield levels - by 2050 would need to double amount of food we grow. Would need farming land the size of Brazil. Finite amount of land will not support this,
  • By 2020, several African countries will suffer up to 50% reduction in yields
    • Kenya
      • Droughts have become 4 times more common in the last 25 years
      • 3rd failed harvest in a row
      • Masai - Rift Valley, cattle are dying


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