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    • The Teleological (Design) argument
      • St. Thomas Aquinas
        • God keeps the universe in a set pattern
      • William Paley
        • Created the argument using the example of a watch
      • Isaac Newton
        • Thumbs are evidence of design
      • The Anthropic Principle
        • Earth was made just right for life
      • Problems
        • We cannot know that the world is designed , or if God is the designer
        • Cruelty & suffering
    • The Big Bang theory
      • Atheists use this theory to reject God
      • Theists use this theory to support the Cosmological argument. They say God caused the Big Bang
      • This theory is only a challenge to the First Cause argument if it is seen to be a spontaneous event without cause
    • Argument from miracles
      • The miracle has no natural explanation and must be God
    • Argument from religious experience
      • People claim to have experienced God
    • The arument from morality
      • God gives us our sense of morality
  • The Cosmological (First Cause) argument
      • The Teleological (Design) argument
        • St. Thomas Aquinas
          • God keeps the universe in a set pattern
        • William Paley
          • Created the argument using the example of a watch
        • Isaac Newton
          • Thumbs are evidence of design
        • The Anthropic Principle
          • Earth was made just right for life
        • Problems
          • We cannot know that the world is designed , or if God is the designer
          • Cruelty & suffering
      • The Big Bang theory
        • Atheists use this theory to reject God
        • Theists use this theory to support the Cosmological argument. They say God caused the Big Bang
        • This theory is only a challenge to the First Cause argument if it is seen to be a spontaneous event without cause
      • Argument from miracles
        • The miracle has no natural explanation and must be God
      • Argument from religious experience
        • People claim to have experienced God
      • The arument from morality
        • God gives us our sense of morality
    • St. Thomas Aquinas
    • Problems
      • The argument contradicts itself
      • We cannot prove that God caused the universe to come into existence
    • Everything that exists was caused to exist. The universe exists so it must have a cause. There has to be something eternal that was not caused by anything. The eternal first cause if God. Therefore God exists


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