The characteristics or qualities of God

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 27-10-12 14:25
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  • The characteristics or qualities of God
    • Good
      • Loving
      • Perfect
        • Divine
    • Omnibenevolent
    • Just
    • Active
    • Kind
      • Good
        • Loving
        • Perfect
          • Divine
    • Moral
    • Empathetic
    • Understanding
    • Purposive
    • Omnipresent
    • Omniseient
    • Omnipotent
    • Self existent
    • Supreme
    • Greatest Being
    • Refuge
    • Creator
      • Craftsman
    • Unknowable
    • Eternal
    • Unchangable
    • Everlasting
    • Immutable
    • Pure Interlect
    • Source of morality
    • Worthy of Worship
    • All Loving
    • All Knowing
    • All Powerful
    • All Forgiving
    • Natural
    • Invisible
    • Meta-Physical
    • Non - Material
    • Outside of time and space
    • Aseity
    • Conscience
    • Impersonal
    • Immanet
    • Delegator
  • Transendent
    • The characteristics or qualities of God
      • Omnibenevolent
      • Just
      • Active
      • Kind
        • Moral
        • Empathetic
        • Understanding
        • Purposive
        • Omnipresent
        • Omniseient
        • Omnipotent
        • Self existent
        • Supreme
        • Greatest Being
        • Refuge
        • Creator
          • Craftsman
        • Unknowable
        • Eternal
        • Unchangable
        • Everlasting
        • Immutable
        • Pure Interlect
        • Source of morality
        • Worthy of Worship
        • All Loving
        • All Knowing
        • All Powerful
        • All Forgiving
        • Natural
        • Invisible
        • Meta-Physical
        • Non - Material
        • Outside of time and space
        • Aseity
        • Conscience
        • Impersonal
        • Immanet
        • Delegator


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