The Cerebrospinal Nervous System

Mindmap on The Cerebrospinal Nervous System and its main features.

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  • The Cerebrospinal Nervous System
    • Consists of the brain, spinal cord and the peripheral nerves
      • 31 pairs of nerves emerge from the spinal cord, each with two roots
        • One anterior (front of the spine) root carries motor nerves - carry impulses to muscles, responsible for body movement
        • One posterior (back of the spine) root carries sensory nerves - provide sensation information for brain
        • 8x cervical nerves, 12x thoriac/dorsal nerves, 5x lumbar nerves, 5x sacral nerves, 1x coccygeal nerves
    • 12 pairs of cranial nerves - some motor, some sensory, some both, some mixed
      • 1. Olfactory - sense of smell
      • 2. Optic - sense of sight
      • 3. Oculo-Motor - supplies most muscles of eye (e.g pupil dilation)
      • 4. Trochlear - motor nerve to external oblique muscle of eye
      • 5. Trigeminal - largest cranial nerve, both motor and sensory. It supplies most skin on face and head, supplies teeth and membranes of the mouth and nose
      • 6. Abducens - motor nerve to lateral rectus muscle of eye controlling eye movement
      • 7. Facial - motor and sensory, muscles of expression on face, also sense of taste
      • 8. Acoustic - nerve of hearing sense and balance
      • 9. Glosso-Pharyngeal - mixed nerve, controls muscle of pharynx, parotid gland, part of tongue and soft palate. Nerve of taste.
      • 10. Vagus - mixed nerve supplying larynx, pharnyx, lungs, heart, stomach, oesophagus, liver
      • 11. Spinal Accessory - one part accompanies Vagus, other part branches to trapezius and sternomastoid muscles. Controls head movement.
      • 12. Hypoglossal - controls muscles of tongue


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