The role of TNCs, NGOs and International Agencies in development

  • Created by: 11pyoung
  • Created on: 07-03-18 19:11
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  • The role of TNCs, NGOs and International Agencies in development
    • Transnational Corporations
      • Evaluating TNC activity  by theoretical perspectives
        • Rostow
          • The injection of capital that is vital to the take-off stage of development is partly originated in TNC investment
        • Friedman
          • TNCs are beneficial to society because they create jobs and provide local people with a regular wage
        • Ellwood
          • less economically powerful TNCs are bullying smaller, less powerful countries to open up their economies to private investment
        • Bakan
          • TNCs too often exercise power without responsibility
      • Seek competitive advantages and maximisation of profits
      • Froebel et al
        • From 1970, TNCs set about investing significantly in the developing world
    • The role of International Organisations
      • The United Nations
        • The UK contributed 6.68% of the UN's peacekeeping budget between 2013-15
      • The European Union
        • Spent 56.5 billion euros on development assistance
      • The G8
        • AGM
          • The G8 is not democratic or accountable for the decision it makes
      • World Trade Organisation
        • McKay, Narlikar and Chang
          • Global trade rules are biased against developing countries
          • The WTO pressures developing countries to open up their economies to Western banks and investment and to abandon taxes on western imports
        • Phillippe Legrain
          • The WTO does the bidding of TNCs
          • It harms the poor
          • It undermines worker's rights
      • The World Bank and International Monetary Fund
        • Friedman
          • Developing countries have a choice between neo-liberal and 'neo-idiotic' economic an political policies
        • Joseph Stiglitz
          • They are failing to improve the  welfare of developing counties because their policies reflect the interests and ideology of the Western financial community
    • The role of local and national Non-Government Organisations
      • Arguments in favour of NGO activities in the developing world
        • Stromquist
          • NGOs are positive agents of change because they are untainted by politics and greed
        • McMichael
          • NGOs have a greater diversity, credibility and creativity than official agencies
        • Edwards
          • NGOs should monitor the activities of the WTO
        • Darnton and Kirk
          • NGOs focus more on educating the Western public about the causes of underdevelopment
      • The critique of NGO activities  in the developing world
        • Korten
          • The relationship between NGOs and the developing world is often undermined by political instability
        • Hulme and Edwards
          • Many NGOs are actually funded by Western governments and international agencies
        • McCloskey
          • NGOs are often reluctant to criticise the neo-liberal polices of the organisations that fund them
        • Hilary
          • The influence of neo-liberalism on NGO funding means that NGOs are likely to distance themselves from radical groups that aim to challenge the existing neo-liberal- dominated power structure
      • Fisher
        • The globalisation of capitalism has led to a decline in the power of the state
      • Escobar
        • the AGM has enthused ordinary people who have ethical concerns with the way the global capitalism operates
      • Klein
        • Protesters are unified by their desire for a citizen-centred alternative
  • McCloskey
    • NGOs are often reluctant to criticise the neo-liberal polices of the organisations that fund them


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