The purpose of elections

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  • The purpose of elections
    • Choosing an elected representative and government
      • Candidates will campaign either on their personal beliefs and polices or most commonly their parties manifesto.
      • By winning an election, they have a mandate to govern. In most UK elections electing an individual leads to the formation of a government.
        • Formation of government is usually by the party with majority. Without this, a number of parties may choose to work together (coalition) in order to govern.
    • Legitimising political power
      • A legitimate government is formed from a free and fair election. They have the right to exercise power and authority over an area & the people in it.
      • Participation of voters is essential in gaining legitimacy. Low turnout will not represent the views of the public and therefore legitimacy is undermined.
      • Competition of an election, there must be competing parties and choice for voters.
      • E.g. 2010/15 coalition. Neither party won the election, undermining legitimacy. But together they got 59% of the vote which is clear majority.
    • Limiting the power of elected reps
      • Governments will face reelection, limiting it.
      • Though, elections also result in the election of reps who do not form government, who are still legitimately elected officials
        • They form the opposition - scuntise & challenge gov. policy.
    • Development of political policy
      • Part of an election is publishing a manifesto, outlining the polices a party will introduce if elected.
        • Public opinion will shape these policies, and a winner is often chosen on these policies
      • E.g. 2017 general election, 'dementia tax' (requiring elderly to sell their homes to pay for social care). There was public anger surrounding it, so this policy was abandoned during the campaign.
    • Selection of a political elite
      • Parties decide who runs in elections under their name, choosing those they feel most likely to win & be successful officals.
      • Elections provide an opportunity to ensure they are capable and competent at doing so.
      • Elected reps included in the formed government are 'political elite' responsible for the smooth running of the country.
    • Holding the current elected reps to account
      • Allows for the current office holders to be judged on their performance during their time in office.
      • This ensure consequences for the actions that they have taken, and that they can be voted out if their constituents are unhappy.
      • Allows for clear connections between officials and voters, ensuring they are represented


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