The person of Jesus Christ

  • Created by: Crystal02
  • Created on: 19-04-20 12:22
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  • Jesus
    • Jesus' authority as the Son on God
      • Knowledge of God
        • Jesus calls God 'Abba' which is Greek for Father, and the Heavenly voice declares Jesus 'my son'. However Jesus does not refer to himself as son. Christians believe that Jesus is directly associated with God.
          • St John writes of Jesus as WORD, and that the 'Word was God' (John 1:1). Thomas refers to Jesus as 'my Lord and my God' (John 20:28). God's spirit will come in Jesus' name (John 14:16, 26)
          • Jesus' self Knowledge; Possibly had two centers of knowledge - Human knowledge and knowledge of God. If Jesus had divine knowledge then could his tears in the Garden on Gethsemane be fake, if he knew he were to be resurrected?
      • Miracles
        • Mark 6:47-52; Jesus saw his disciples struggling on a lake in a storm so he walked on the water out to them and shouted 'Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid' When Jesus climbed in the boat, all of the wind died down, the disciples were completely amazed
          • Hume's argues that because we do not have any present day experience of miracles, we cannot trust the accounts
      • Resurrection
        • For Paul, a christian faith without resurrection is impossible, otherwise all preaching would be in vain, sins would not be wiped clean and at death all would perish. Jesus' resurrection is the only thing that made him different from other preachers at the time. Resurrection is fundamental in what Christians  believe about God, if he can raise Jesus from the dead then God will raise everyone from the dead
    • A teacher of Wisdom
      • Repentance and Forgiveness
        • Jesus was a great teacher is applying law to moral problems. Jesus spoke on ideas, such as; the importance of self-love, self-sacrifice, concern for the poor and the dispossessed, the importance of honesty, justice and peace. (parable of the good Samaritan) 'love thy neighbor as you love yourself'
      • Inner purity and moral motivation
        • Jesus continuously spoke of the forgiveness of sins. Much of his time was spent healing the sick and spending time with people who were rejected or outcasts, such as tax collectors and sinners.
          • Jesus' moral teaching extended to all people including the poor (sermon on the mount), and also to insights about power and wealth (it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to go to Heaven)
          • Jesus brings an abiding message of forgiveness to those cast aside by society. The direct moral messages of Jesus' teachings are extensively concerned with love, love of each other, love of neighbors, love of enemies and love of God.
    • A liberator
      • Challenge to political authority
        • In Jesus' time, The Jews were ruled by the Romans, the Jews hoped that God would send a military Messiah to lead a rebellion against
          • There are links between Jesus and the Zealots ' I did not come to bring peace, but a sword' - Matthew 10:24. Aslan identifies Jesus' entrance into Jerusalem as a key moment. He arrives on a donkey, with cloaks spread on the road (this was done when Jehu was declared King)
            • Aslan believes the event was deliberately set up to send a message that the long-awaited Messiah and King on the Jews had arrived to set Israel free from *******
          • Roman rule. Jews could have seen Jesus as this Messiah to fight against the Romans. Reza Aslan argues that Jesus was involved in a much more confrontational resistance than is presented in the New Testament
      • Challenge to religious authority
        • Pharisees wanted to transform Israel through a drive of religious purity, however what Jesus says about hand washing (Mark 7:3, 7:5), Tithing (Luke 18:12 and Matthew 23:23, the Sabbath (Mark 3:1-5) and an approach to rules that perverted divine will (Mark 7:8) went against the Pharisees. There were also stories added by Gospel writers that suggest tension between Jesus and Judaism


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