An Introducion to The Nervous System

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  • The Nervous System
    • The nervous system is dependent upon a continuous input of information from inside and outside the body.
      • This input is detected by sensory organs/ recetors
    • Sense organs
      • Nose
        • Chemical receptors
      • Skin
        • Pain receptors, pressure and temperature
      • Tounge
        • Chemical receptors
      • Ears
        • Sound and balance receptors
      • Eyes
        • Light receptors
    • Stimuli involves the detection of informatio and is passed on to an effector.
      • e.g. muscles or glands via the nervous system
    • Can be classified into the central nervous system (CNS) this consists of the brain and spinal cord
    • The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of nerves and the ganglia.
    • Many body functions and actions are controlled by reflex actions which involves the CNS.
    • Sensory receptors detect one form of energy e.g. light energy detected by light receptors in the eyes.
      • and convert it into electrical enrgy.
        • The act as transducers (convert one energy into another)
    • The electrical impulses travel along nerves and travel along nerve impulses.


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