The Necklace

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      • 'NO DOWRY, NO EXPECTATIONS, NO MEANS OF MEETING SOME RICH, IMPORTANT MAN...WENT ALONG WITH A ...JUNIOR CLERK'- Anaphora, bleek, negative. Also ironic because the 'junior clerk' understood and loved her excessively and did a lot for her.
      • 'PEELING WALLS, THE BATTERED CHAIRS, AND THE UGLY CURTAINS'- Rule of 3 summarising what Mme Loisel feels is wrong with her home.
      • Paragraph ending in 'desired by all women'- - This paragraph of description is richly, descriptive and includes alliteration. The effect is to show how Mme Loisel pays more attention to her dream parlour than she does to her real life. Alliteration of d, f, e.
      • 'TORTURE'- use of a hyperbole to reflect Mme Loisel's emotional drama.
      • 'SHE HAD NO FINE DRESSES, NO JEWELLRY, NOTHING'- These facts contrast with the dream previously described, also there is a rule of 3.
      • 'POPULAR, ENVIED, ATTRACTIVE AND IN DEMAND'- listing used to show how much she wants.
      • 'LOOK' HE SAID,'- use of direct speech to develop character. He is kindly, hoping she will be pleased.
      • 'WHO'S BETTER OFF'...HE WAS DEVASTATED'- Harsh jibe to Loisel's low income, was aimed to hurt and it did. This is how she manipulates him into buying a dress. The short sentence emphasises abrupt disappointment.
      • 'SUDDENL SHE GAVE A  CRY'-  Short sentence indicates change, suddenly.
    • QUOTES
      • 'SAD REGRETS AND IMPOSSIBLE FANCIES' - Even servant isn't good enough quality.
      • 'THERE'S NOTHING I LIKE BETTER THAN A NICE STEW'- homely, appreciative, simple. Contrast with Mme Loisel.
      • 'UNHAPPY AFTERWARDS'- Envious.
      • 'SORROW, REGRET, DESPAIR AND ANGUISH'- Over dramatic. Self pity. Listing.
      • 'HE HAD NOT THOUGHT OF THAT'- these things are not important
      • 'MAKING A SUPREME EFFORT'- Tongue in cheek, Are these tears an act.
      • 'MADAME LOISEL WAS A SUCCESS'- Earlier, writer explained that women were valued for their beauty, descriptive paragraph with adjectives and adverbs.
      • 'RUE DES MARTYRS'- Ironic that their street is  Rue des martyrs, they are about to become martyrs to vanity
      • 'HOLLOW CHEEKED AND VERY PALE'- Previously, Loisel is seen as a cheerful and optimistic man. This incident has completely changed things- foreshadowing more change and disaster.
      • 'LOISEL, WHO HAD AGED FIVE YEARS,'- Emphasises the trauma. Notice how the sentences are now brief and unadorned. Contrast to richness and fantasy language.
      • 'EIGHTEEN THOUSAND FRANCS WHICH HIS FATHER HAD LEFT HIM'- Suggests this is his fathers life savings, emphasising the huge cost of the necklace.
      • 'PHYSICAL PRIVATION AND MENTAL TORTURE'- Strong language used here to indicate how their life has been completely changed or ruined.
      • 'SIT BY THE WINDOW AND THINK'- Links back to her fantasies at the beginning of the story. Reminiscing of the days she was actually OK.
      • 'BY A COMMON WOMAN IN THE STREET;'-  Illustrates significance of class in society.
      • 'AND I'M GLAD'- Suggests pride in paying debt. Shows different side to her character.
      • 'IT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN WORTH MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED FRANCS!'- Unexpected ending, twist, uncertain of what happens next.
      • The story ends with a twist as the necklace is revealed to have been a fake/imitation. This is Irony. We now realise that Mme Loisel's greatest mistake was not telling the truth to her friend in the first place. Another irony is that Mme Loisel borrowed the necklace in order to improve her looks, but lost her looks as a result of losing the necklace.




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