A Level - RS - The Doctrine of the Mean

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  • The Doctrine of the Mean
    • the right way to act is to follow the 'golden mean'
      • to act in the mid-point between extremes of excess, on the one hand, and deficiency on the other.
    • Every virtue has a corresponding vice at either end of the spectrum.
      • For example the mid-point between cowardice and foolhardiness (which were are both vices) is courage, and therefore is the 'Golden Mean'
    • People discover what the Golden Mean for a particular virtue is and how to act accordingly to it by watching and learning from good role models.
      • and by training and developing the virtue until it becomes an automatic way of living
        • it is in this way that they will become virtuous people who will perform virtuous acts as their character gradually  acquires the virtues
    • Finding the mean is not easy
      • Aristotle did not say what the mid-point for all the different virtues were either
        • the mid-point isn't a numerical sense
          • but spoke of the mean being 'the right amount at the right time'
            • Essentailly the mean depends on the circumstances
              • for example, spending time talking with a beggar and sharing food might at times be more helpful to them (more virtuous to you) that simply giving them some money , but that is not always the case.


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