The Crisis of 1923

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  • The Crisis of 1923
    • The Occupation of the Ruhr
      • In January 1923, Germany fell behind in its reparation payments and France and Belgium occupied the Ruhr
        • This united Germany; reparation payments were halted and workers in the Ruhr went on strike
      • This put pressure on the economy and added to inflation
        • This was made worse by the government printing money to pay the strikers
      • The French brought in their own workers and this increased tensions further
    • Hyperinflation
      • The war had caused inflation in Germany
        • But by printing more money to pay the strikers and compensate for lost tax revenues, the value of the mark fell so it was worthless
      • This destroyed savings and ruined those on fixed incomes
      • Prices rose so fast that the black market and barter flourished
        • Some, such as industrialists, did gain from this situation
    • Munich Putsch
      • Bavaria was governed by a conservative Catholic regime
        • It wanted to unite the nationalist right, which included the Nazi Party, to restore traditional values
      • Despite some opposition, the plan was for a putsch in Munich and then a march on Berlin
      • Hitler acted and seized the Bavarian state governor
        • After initial success, it was defeated by police
        • Sixteen Nazis and three police were killed; Hitler was arrested, put on trial and sentenced to imprisonment for five years, but was released after nine months


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