Women's suffrage: overview

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  • women's suffrage
    • Suffragists
      • Leader- Millicent Fawcett
      • Formed in 1897 when various local women's groups joined to form the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies
      • The NUWSS wanted the vote for middle class property-sowning women.
      • They used peaceful tactics such as; non violent demonstration,petitions and the lobbying of MPs. Fawcett believed that if the organisation was seen to be intelligent, polite and law-abiding then women would prove themselves responsible enough to participate fully in politics.
    • Suffragettes
      • formed in 1903 by Emmeline Pankhurst when she split from the NUWSS because she had grown impatient of their tactics.
      • the  Women's Social and Political Union used militant tactics which were violent and broke the law.
        • this resulted in many suffragettes getting thrown in jail. once in jail they would go on a hunger strike, consequently the government used a "cat and mouse" technique- they would release them and once strong would arrest them again.
        • their rough treatment gained them support for their suffrage cause as they had sympathy from the people.
      • published a newspaper called Votes For Women and sold 20,000 copies each week.
      • some argue that its activities were critical in keeping The Cause high on the political agenda; others believe that its violent tactics actually delayed votes for women by its "irresponsibility" in attacking private property.


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