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  • Spartan Army
    • Fighting Techniques
      • Command Structure
        • The army was divided into regiments, each commanded by a regimental commander who was directly responsible to the campaigning king. This meant that information was relayed easily and quickly.
      • Fear Factor
        • Spartans pursued a fleeing enemy until they were sure of victory. They believed it was below them to kill fugitives. Many, therefore, chose to run away rather than fight - because they knew they would not be killed.
      • Mystique
        • Lycurgus said that Sparta should not go against the same enemy too often, or their tactics will be known.
      • Phalanx
        • A rectangular formation of soldiers which was normally 8 rows deep.
        • If a soldier on the front row fell, then the rows would move forwards and the soldier in the second row would replace him The best soldiers would fight at the front to set an example.
        • Each hoplite (soldier) held his shield in his left hand, protecting his own left side and his neighbour's right side.
        • Spartan soldiers were trained very hard and were very obedient. They knew what formation to change into thanks to the sound made by trumpets and pipes.
    • View on Death
      • Unlike any other Greek state, Spartans thought it was worthy and desirable to die in battle if for a good cause,
    • Uniform and Weapons
      • Uniform
        • Hoplites wore a tunic, over which his corselet of bronze protected his torso.
        • They wore a red cloak to hide any bloodshed
        • greaves and leather boots were also used in battle to protect legs
        • They wore plumed helmet with long hair to look scary and barbaric
      • Weapons
        • Shield (Hoplon)
          • A large round shield, with a large 'L' engraved on it.
        • Spear
          • 3 metres in length. This was the main weapon
        • Sword
          • If the hoplite lost his spear, he would use his sword, which hung on the right side of a belt around his waist
    • The Battle of Thermopylae
      • 1 - Persians were led by king Xerxes after he conquered the northern half of Greece and was heading south.
      • 2 - The Greek allies sent about 7,000 soldiers to help Sparta. The Spartan king Leonidas leaded the 7,000 Greek allies and 300 Spartan soldiers.
      • 3 - A tense stand - off for four days happened, while which Xerxes tried to coax the Greeks into surrendering.
      • 4 - When the fighting did begin, the Persians were defeated for the beginning two days.
      • 5 - However, the Greeks were betrayed by a local man.
      • Story of this battle was written about by Herodotus
      • 6 - King Leonidas sent away the Greek allies, knowing they were going to lose. He sent out the 300 Spartan men to fight the Persians. Herodotus wrote that if the Spartan lost their weapons, they would fight with their fists and teeth.
      • 7 - Even though the Spartans lost the battle, all the Greek states were inspired by their courage, and ended up defeating the Persians in the end..


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