South-west USA water problem

  • Created by: jugohude
  • Created on: 16-04-19 15:08
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  • water problem USA
    • causes
      • high water usage
        • 3.5M hectares irrigated land
        • high population in cities
        • 80%  agriculture yet < 1/10 of state economy
      • low rain fall
        • 25% country's mean
      • imbalance in distribution
        • 70% runoff originates in northern 1/3 of state but 80% demand in south
      • arizona taking too much from aquifer
    • Colorado river
      • 2333km long
        • drains 632000km2
      • over 30M people depend on it
      • hoover dam and lake mead
      • not enough water as California taking too much
    • resource management
      • reduce leaks and evaporation
      • recycle water in industry
      • more efficient toilet systems
      • charging more realistic prices for irrigation
      • use less water dependent crops
    • future options
      • new ground water resources
      • cloud seeding
      • antarctic ice
      • off shore aquaducts


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