
  • Created by: India JJ
  • Created on: 06-06-18 10:35
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  • Somerset
    • Foreign policy
      • Henry's will had tied Somerset to establishing the Treaty of Greenwich is realised
        • But Francis I died and Henry II was eager to establish an aggressive anti English foreign policy- for this he sent 4,000 troops to Scotland
          • Henry declared war on Rngland and demanded Boulognne and Calais for peace-we lost both although this was to achieve pace under Northumberland.
        • Somerset was forced to intervene and launch a land and sea invasion costing £600,000
          • This was pointless and troops had to be removed to stifle the 1549 rebellions in England.
            • He had spent 50% more than Henry's expenditure in half the time.
      • England is bankrupt so an aggressive foreign policy may improve its wealth
    • The Good Duke? Somerset is presented like the people's regent- he sent out commissioners to clamp down on illegal enclosure, made  a sheep tax to try to help-- although it didn't
      • he failed to modernise the economy- instead of solving its problems he preferred to debase the coinage and seize more church lands.
      • Population soared causing inflation and prices were too high. This caused unemployment and then rebellions due to the amount of vagrants.
        • As with many of his policies- many of the nobles just refused to do it.
      • Under Henry VIII proclamations were used about six times a year VS 19 by Edward and 77 of these were Somerset
      • By 1551 the silver content was only 25%
      • The Vagrancy Act of 1547 was so harsh and ineffective that many nobles refused to enforce it- they could be branded with a V and sold into slavery for up to 2 years.
    • Religious policy- Somerset had to reform or he'd risk losing the support of the protestants and risk a counter reformation in England.
      • The treason act of 1547 repealed heresy laws and allowed protestant ideas to circulate. Perhaps they tried to gain popularity by sweeping away the oppressive legislation of a predecessor.
      • The Chantries act of 1547- commissioners visited monasteries and confiscated gold and silver which was melted down to relieve the debasement of coinage


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