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  • Solicitors
    • Education & Training
      • Institute of Legal Executives Professional Diploma
        • ILEX High Professional Diploma
          • become fellow or ILEX OR two year training period
            • qualified as a solicitor
    • Work
      • meeting with clients
      • drafting legal documents
      • advocacy (in lower courts can apply for higher courts)
      • wills and probate
    • Organisation
      • represented by the Law Society and controlled by the Solicitors Regulation Authority
      • can work for small or large firms and can be sole practitioners or in a partnership
    • Regulation
      • unsatisfied client first has to follow the solicitor's firm's complaints procedure
      • if outcome not satisfactory the complaint is dealt with by the Office for Legal Complaints set up by Legal Services Act 2007
      • all complaints are referred to the Legal Ombudsman
      • Legal Ombudsman can ask solicitor to: apologise, give back documents, refund. reduce fees, put things right and up to £30,000 in compensation
      • Solicitors Regulation Authority can investigates any misconduct if serious goes to Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal can be reprimanded, suspended or struck off the Roll




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