Sociology- Introduction to births

  • Created by: Daisymac
  • Created on: 13-03-19 14:39
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  • Births intro
    • Birth rate
      • The number of live births per thousand of the population per year
      • Figures show that there has been a decline in the number of births since 1900
        • 1900 England and Wales= 28.7
        • 2014 = 12.2
      • Have been fluctuations with 3 baby booms in the 20th century
        • 1 AND 2= after wws (1914-18) and (1939-45)
        • Other in the 60s
    • Total fertility rate
      • Factors determining birth rate
        • Proportion of women who are of childbearing age
        • How fertile they are
      • Average number of children women will have during their fertile years
      • All time low in 2011 of 1.63 children per woman
      • 1.74 in  2017
      • In 1964 it was 2.95
      • These reflect that women are remaining childless than in the past and that women are postponing children


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