Social Influence

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  • Social Influence
    • Conformity
      • Compliance
      • Internalisation
      • Normative social influence
      • informational social influence
      • Asch (1951)
        • Participants conformed on 32%of trials
        • 74% conformed at least once
        • Low population because used male college students, can't generalise
      • Zimbardo Stanford Prison (1973)
        • Observed  how quickly people would conform to roles
        • Participants who were guards harassed prisoners, conformed to their roles
        • Study ended in 6 days
        • Ethical issues
      • Resisting pressures to conform
        • Desire for individuation
          • Snyder and Fronkin
        • Prior commitment
          • Variation of Asch where participants answered first
    • Obedience
      • Milgram (1963)
        • 65% gave the full 450v
      • Hofling
        • 21/22 nurses started to give medication
      • Bickman (1974)
        • People obeyed guard over civilian
      • Why people obey
        • Buffers protect people from seeing the effect of their actions
          • 65% with      buffer         40% without buffer
        • Gradual commitment
          • 15v increase Milgram
      • Resisting pressures to obey
        • Disobedient models
          • Milgram with disobedient model, obedience dropped to 10%
        • Feeling responsible
          • Participants feel responsible for giving learner distress in Milgram
    • Implications of social influence
      • Educating nurses: senior staff educating junior staff
      • Foot in the door: used by charities to give small donations and then gradually increase the payment
    • Minority Influence
      • Consistency
      • Snowball effect
      • Moscovici (1969)
        • Consistent: 8.4% influence Inconsistent: 1.3% influence
        • 2/6 were confederates and the consistent= green on all sildes and the inconsistent=green 24/36 of the slides


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