Social Influence

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  • Social Influence
    • Conformity
      • a form of Majority Influence that refers to yielding to group pressure and adopting the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of people in a group 
      • Types of Conformity
        • Internalisation-  when a person genuinely accepts norms.  
        • Compliance: ‘going along with others’, but privately not changing.
        • Identification: conform because something we value in group
      • Explanations
        • NSI: conform to the group to be accepted by them and/or avoid ridicule and rejection (Asch)
          • Individual differences: Doesn’t affect everyone’s behaviour the same. E.g. less concerned w being liked -> less affected by NSI  
        • ISI: new or ambiguous situation, look to others to gain information  (Sherif)
          • Research support Lucas: students answer math problems that were easy or more difficult. Greater conformity if problem was more difficult.


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