Singapore's Water Story

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  • Singapore Water Story
    • History
      • Singapore was one of 780 million who didn't have access to safe drinking water.
      • Growing Population
      • Small land area , lead to a growing water problem
    • Four Taps for Singapore
      • 1. Rain Water
        • Singapore is a small island so important to collect it
        • 17 reservoirs in Singapore
        • Built a network of drains and canals collecting rainwater from Urban Areas to Reservoirs
          • More than 8,000km of water ways
      • 2. Water from Johor Malaysia
        • Importing water from here for years
        • Singapore able to reduce their reliance as a result of 3rd/4th Taps
      • 3. Recycled Water
        • One of few countries in the world that has 2 separate collection systems
          • One is for Rainwater
          • Second is for used water
        • Used water is sent through treatment plants - through rigorous process
          • Microfiltratoin
          • Reverse Osmosis
          • Ultraviolet Disinfectant
        • All of this is called the neWater
      • 4. Desalinated Water
        • 71% earths surface is seawater
        • Advancement' in technology
          • Makes it more cost effective
        • Singapore now has 2 desalinisation plants
          • Produce up o 25% of Singapore's Water needs
    • Water Intake
      • More than 500 million consumers
        • 700 swimming pools of water every day
      • Future
        • By 2060 Singapore will need 1400 swimming pools a day


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