SEE: Glaciation: 2A.11C

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  • 2A.11C: Global warming. Indirect actions altering natural systems
    • Mass balance= the difference between ablation/accumulation, this depends whether the glacier retreats or advances
      • Global warming is increasing the melting of glaciers, thus causing negative mass balances
      • E.g. There have been 23 consecutive years of negative mass balances in glaciers between 1980-2012
      • E.g. 95% of glaciers in the Himalayas are retreating
      • Continuously retreating glaciers increase chances of glacial outburst floods
    • Impact on the hydrological cycle
      • Precipitation in form of snow diminishes, and rainfall patterns change
      • Greater flooding in winter, more droughts in summer
      • In the short term, river discharge will increase due to increased meltwater
      • In the long term, river discharge will decrease (as glacier is no longer a store)
      • Sediment yield would increase in water, and water security would be threatened as the water would be undrinkable
        • E.g. 500 million people in India face water shortages because of glacial retreat
        • E.g. rivers such as Mekong, Yangtze, Ganges are all fed by glacial meltwater
    • Feedback cycles- retreat is increasing because of positive feedback cycles
      • Permfrost melts, releases ghg, increased concentration of ghg, increased temps and melting
        • 4% of Earth's carbon in permafrost
      • White polar ice melts, lower albedo so reduced reflection, more atmospheric warming, more melting
    • Other impacts
      • Estimated rise of 2 degrees a year will cost Switzerland £2 billion because of impacts on winter tourism


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