Roosevelt- election and new deal

  • Created by: aggy98
  • Created on: 22-05-14 12:09
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  • Roosevelt- election and new deal
    • Election
      • Hoover
        • republician policies- told people what they idint want to hear. But could he really change? See hover diagram
        • "Economic depression must be healed by the producers and consumers themselves."
          • Supreme court said many of Roosevelt's actions were illegal. Roosvet threatened to pack the court- move the number from 9 to 15, with the excuse that the elderly jusdges could not cope. Most opposition, especially from democrats.
        • Belief had been severely damage, even worse after bonus army inciient. This lost hoover any sympathy that was left for him.
      • Roosevelt
        • reputation of listening and acting- governor of new york- e.g. $20 million emergency relief winter 1931-32.
        • Didnt promise anythign specific- promise he would do something. Brought hope but didnt promise what he couldn't do.
        • Used radio effectively and made many speeches abput helping the forgotten man. Won with 57%.
    • New Deal
      • 100 days- Roosevelt's first hundred days- with a hectic period of reforms- did not want to be seen, Roosevelt's three aims were simple: Relief, Recovery, Reform.
      • Alphabet Agencies
        • Jobs
          • CCC- march 1933. Unemployed young men aged 17 to 24, recruited to wrok in parks, national forests and others. Originally for 2 years but extended through 1930's- 3 million involved. Lived in camps- food and shelter provided- 1.3bn trees planted, 65,100 miles of telephone lines.
            • Success, as significantly lowered unemployment levels but criticisied for not focusing on blacks.
          • PWA- june 1933. $3.3 billion to pump prime. Built dams, roads , schools... 50,00 miles of roads and 13,000 schools built- dams produced electricity and create new national parks. Hundres of thousands gained jobs.
          • WPA- at one time. 2 million employees- reasonable wages. Not allowed to compete with private firms. built 1,000 airport landing fields, 8,000 schools and hospitals and 12,000 playgrounds.  one year Job.
        • Relief- Money
          • Federal Emergency Relief Administration may 1933- $500 million to be divided equally among the states. Half straight to the states and half dependent on state spending money. Harry Hopkins ran it.  Many government refused to spend more and believed the poor were at fault for their difficulties. People gaining relief treated badly- long queues in hot weather and delays in recieving payments.
            • Disappointing- states didn't use the money so didn't really help.
          • CWA- nov 1933- Civil Works Administration- provided work on public projects for 4 million people during winter 1933-34 before being closed down.
            • Not long enough to be a success
      • Fireside Chats- first in march 1933. Sat infront of the fir in his office and spoke directly to the people over radio. Voice reassured them that everything would be all right. Invited people to write to him.
      • Banking Crisis
        • Roosevelt closed all banks across country for 4 days to allow new laws to be passed.
        • emergency Banking Relief Act- restored confidence. Roosevelt sent inspectors to access the banks safety in terms of investing and only sounder banks were allowed to re-open. The government then gaurenteed all money up to $2,500 would be covered by the FDIC.
    • NRA
      • outlawed child labour and tried to improve working conditions. Fair wages, right to join trade union. Industry encourages to draw up a code of practice that was fair to workers. 557 codes created. blue eagle logo on products meant supporting america
      • Eventually declared unconstituitional by the supreme court.
    • Opposition to the new deal
      • 1936- activity seemed to be be slowing down, so second new deal.
      • 1937- Roosevelt cut back on government funding- unemployment soared back up  to 10 million. As a whole, the new deal provided the condition needed for recovery.
      • Huey Kingfish long- wanted all Amercians with more than $3 million to have the extra confiscated and given to the poor.
      • Father Charles Coughlin- Canadian priest - broadcast popular sermons on the CBS network, promising to nationalise the banks.
      • Dr Francis Townsend planned to boost the economy by raising pensions for the over 60s - in return, they would spend $200 a month to increase demand for consumer goods.
      • Supreme court said many of Roosevelt's actions were illegal. Roosvet threatened to pack the court- move the number from 9 to 15, with the excuse that the elderly jusdges could not cope. Most opposition, especially from democrats.
    • The second word war- march 1941 the lend lease progamme, supplied many war materials to britain- who woullld pay back when they could.War meant unemployment almost vanished- because of the weapons demand and the jobs in the army, as well as women getting jobs in the workforce.


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