R+J Act 3

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  • Romeo and Juliet Act 3
    • Scene 1
      • The buildup and the fighting reminds us the play is set in a masculine  world
      • The danger of the social environment makes R+J's relationship more fragile
      • "Oh, I am fortune's fool"
        • Romeo feels forced to kill his wife's counsin which ends up with him banished
      • The Prince prevents the relationship  too by putting  banishing Romeo
    • Scene 2
      • The relationship between R+J is tested under dire circumstances
      • After hearing that he is to be exiled, Romeo is grief- stricken and threatens to kill himself
      • Juliet goes from a simple, innocent girl to a mature loyal woman
        • Her loyalty to her husband is more important that to her cousin
      • Shakespeare creates pshycological tension between R+J
        • He links young love with suicidal impules
    • Scene 3
      • During the balcony scene, Roemo said he would tear up his name if he could
        • In this scene, the threats he makes to his like link with this
          • Tearingup his name writen on paper= tearing up his life;dying
    • Scene 4
      • Capulet wants Juliet to cheer up (thinking that she is mourning her cousin)
        • Ironic; Juliet is mourning the loss of her husband
        • Capulet wanted to postpone the wedding for two years; now he wants it in  days
    • Scene 5
      • In the confrontation with her parents about Romeo's exile, Juliet shows her maturity
      • For a woman in Verona, suicide seems the only authority one can exert over themself


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