Richard and John - Life in England: Richard

  • Created by: 15cstone
  • Created on: 02-03-19 17:46
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  • Life in England: RICHARD
      • born in England
        • 1157
      • spent most of early life in Aquitaine
        • given title Duke of Aquitaine
          • only 14 years old
      • became King of England
        • 1189
      • ruled England until death
        • 1199
      • better King than John
      • modern historians
        • very skilful military leader
        • successfully defended Angevin Empire
      • Thomas Asbridge
        • Richard was
          • 'military genius'
          • 'the best commander of his generation'
      • 18th century historian: Laurence Echard
        • 'the King who was never there'
      • neglected his kingdom


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